Saturday, December 4, 2010

Favourites of 2010

Some of my favourites from this past summer.

f/22 1/30sec 70mm
I took this shot of a river bed during a dry spell this summer.  The rocks are usually under about four feet of rushing water.  I liked the texture of the algae on the rock and  the angles created drama.

f/36 0.6sec 70mm

f/11 0.8sec 17mm
Both of these shots lacked strong subject content but I loved the colours, so I used a slow shutter speed and moved the camera during the exposure.

f/11 1/10sec 70mm
This is the what the river in the dry river bed shot normally looks like. As you can see I like angles.

f/11 1/25sec 48mm
This is at the top of a large waterfall.  The background was blocked by fog making this "island" really stand out.


  1. Your first picture of the dried river bed is my all-time favourite so far. To me it is the moon or a distant planet, and the infinite stars. I would love to see it on a large scale; very transporting. I love the quality of light and the composition.

  2. it takes a real artist to paint abstract with a camera! can see the brush strokes , these would looki great in a mural size.
